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Friday, November 9, 2012

Gill & Roscoe’s Bodacious Horror Podcast: Episode 008: Xenomorph Awareness Week – Alien, Aliens and Prometheus

From horrorphilia.com-

  Episode 8 – Xenomorph Awareness Week – Alien, Aliens and Prometheus This week’s Bodacious Horror Podcast celebrates our proud Elephantine heritage, with a salute to our noble Space Jockey ancestors and our gracious Alien overlords. In recognition of Xenomorph Awareness Week we discuss “Alien” (1979), “Aliens” (1986) and “Prometheus” (2012). Roscoe struggles to stay awake, while Gill tries not to punch him as he tells tales from far-off lands and compares “Prometheus” to a nonsense rhyme. 2nd upload, correcting audio issue. Also, Gill was wrong yet again and apologises. The butcher can ONLY kill Beavers. We were both tired and emotional, and we love you all.

 Check it out-


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