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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Game News: Preview for the Upcoming TIE Fighter (TM) Expansion Pack for the Star Wars Miniatures Game

From fantasyflightgames.com-

Gen Con Indy 2012 is just a few weeks away, and that means we’re closer than ever to the first fantastic space battles of the Star Wars: X-Wing™ Miniatures Game!

As we gear up toward the action, we’ll head deeper into our previews of the game’s upcoming single fighter expansions. Each single fighter expansion introduces a single, finely sculpted miniature starfighter, along with its maneuver dial, requisite tokens, new upgrade cards, and several ship cards, including unique and talented pilots only available in the expansion.

Recently, we took a look at the X-Wing™ Expansion Pack and the exciting strategies its skillful pilots, Wedge Antilles and Garven Dreis, open up for Rebel players. Today, though, we travel deep into the heart of the Empire, looking more closely at the nimble, mass-produced starfighter with which the Imperial fleet enforces its will upon the galaxy.

Read more here-

Fantasy Flight Games [News] - We'll Have to Destroy Them Ship to Ship: "Preview the Upcoming TIE Fighter (TM) Expansion Pack"

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