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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Movie News: "Amazing Spider-Man" is being pushed back to 2013?

We all know about the recent news that GI Joe Retaliation being pushed back to March 2013. Paramount had this to say about it-

"We’re going to do a conscientious 3D job because we’ve seen how it can better box office internationally. Jim Cameron did all of Titanic’s 3D in post – and look how well that movie turned out."

However many attribute this move is due to the recent box office bomb that is Battleship.

Now, the internet is abuzz with rumors of Sony making the same move with The Amazing Spider-Man.

In the wake of the smash hit that is Avengers and with The Dark Knight Rises on the horizon, Sony fears your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is going to get smushed in a Kleenex and thrown in the garbage.

It's no secret Sony executives are not pleased with the finished product. And the word is many people involved with making the film outright hated it.

No official announcement from Sony yet, stay tuned as we continue to cover this story.

And check out this article-


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