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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Horror Podcasting Alliance: Vicis Interimo #114 Gingerdead Man 1 and 2

From horrorpodcastingalliance.blogspot.com-

Welcome to episode 114! It's been four weeks since we released an episode, but we're back to pick up where we left off. This week's review is on the Full Moon pictures 'Gingerdead Man' and Gingerdead Man 2: Passion of the Crust'. There are a lot of short topics this week as we discuss the movies 'The Avengers', 'Iron Man 2', 'Watchmen' (motion comic), 'Kinsey', 'Waterboy', 'From Paris With love', 'Transformers 3', 'Star Trek Generations', 'Star Trek First Contact', and tv shows 'Missing' and 'Alkatraz' ..... whew! We run a bit long this week, as well as battle madsaxxon's dying computer, so Lori's Crawling Chaos segment is skipped... but it returns this next week, so listen for it then! Thanks for joining us this week...
Gingerdead Man: NR (2005)
An evil yet adorable Gingerbread man comes to life with the soul of a convicted killer - this real life cookie monster wreaks havoc on the girl who sent the killer to the electric chair.
Gingerdead Man 2: Passion of the Crust: NR (2008)
The horrifying yet delicious and chewy Gingerdead Man causes murder and mayhem on the set of a horrible low budget movie set. It will take the determination of the studio's young new owner to save both his company and well as the lives of his young new friends. Including a terminally ill young boy whose final wish it was to meet the studios stars - The Tiny Terrors.

Check it out-

Horror Podcasting Alliance: Vicis Interimo #114 Gingerdead Man 1 and 2:

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