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Monday, April 30, 2012

Nerd Rage caught on video! Hilarious freak out over Madison County and Director Eric England plz RT

Dear lord. This made coffee come out of my nose.

From the Press Release
Dating back to the fairy tales of Grimm, the woods have always been a place of immense beauty, but also of abject terror. Perhaps it’s the lack of civilization, or not knowing what lurks around the next tree, but sometimes what seems idyllic and bucolic only masks the path to death itself! On May 8th, Image Entertainment presents Madison County on DVD and digital download. Premiered at last year’s prestigious ScreamFest -- the only film to sell out during the festival! -- and already abuzz with anticipation among genre fans, Madison County promises an excursion into rural terror that pays homage to the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre and The Town that Dreaded Sundown. SRP is $27.97 for the DVD.

Directed, co-produced and written by Eric England, Madison County stars Ace Marrero (who also co-produced), Colley Bailey, Matt Mercer, Joanna Sotomura, Natalie Scheetz, Katie Stegeman, and Adrienne Harrell, with Laid To Rest’s Nick “ChromeSkull” Principe as the savage killer Damien Ewell. Special make-up and prosthetic effects are from the award-winning makeup effects wizards at Almost Human (Laid to Rest I & II, Quarantine, “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles”).

In the film -- inspired by true events -- a group of college kids travel to a small, mountain town called Madison County to interview the author of a tell-all book on the accounts of several grisly murders that happened there. But when the kids get to Madison County, the author is nowhere to be found and the townspeople act like they haven't seen him in years, stating that the killer never existed and the murders never happened. However, when the kids start digging around to get their own answers, they find out that the stories may be more real than the townspeople are letting on.

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