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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fans React To Batman The Dark Knight Rises Prologue plz RT

The Dark Knight Rises Prologue has hit and people are excited!

If you have seen it post your thoughts here but please post a warning if you have spoilers.

From http://www.empireonline.com-

Can we sum the footage up in a word? No. A sound? “Woooargh!” Launching with Gary Oldman’s Commissioner Gordon remembering an old friend we met in The Dark Knight, it then segues into the main event. A miniature thrill-ride in and of itself, the prologue features some stunning camera work (clearly Nolan felt like applying some of the tricks and style he mastered on Inception) and the opening sequence, which gives us our first look at Bane (Tom Hardy), comes off like a cross between a Bond movie and everything we’ve come to love about Nolan’s Bat-universe. Highlights include one very confused CIA agent, a truly clever attack, superb stuntwork, some threatening words from Mr Bane himself and a lot of clues about his links to the bigger story.
After the prologue came a brief sizzle reel burst of shots from later in the film, which gave us proper looks at Anne Hathaway in full costume, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and a certain wonderful toy. The major feeling we were left with is that we want to see more, and we want to see it right now.

Read on here-

People Have Seen The Dark Knight Rises Prologue « furiousfanboys.com: "People Have Seen The Dark Knight Rises Prologue"

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