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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cthutube RPG Podcast Spotlight: The Sideways Tower Podcast: Episode 082 – Winter Part 1

From http://sidewaystower.com-

Winter Episode Part 1

Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson on Twitter) is The Man. In a good way.

Mr. Tyson’s interview can be seen here: Interview

Of black holes and ex-wives.

Skyrim Spoilers!

G4 is finally getting good again.

Watch Spaced!

Using winter and weather to invoke mood.


(the) Brian

This podcast is part of the Spooky Outhouse network of shows. Find more great podcasts and read the full show notes at Spooky Outhouse or The Sideways Tower

Episode 082 – Winter Part 1 | The Sideways Tower Podcast:

'via Blog this'

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