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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cthutube Movie News: The Dark Knight Rises Bane prologue plot revealed (SPOILERS!!!)

totalfilm.com has spoiler filled breaking news for the end of the Batman saga.

From totalfilm.com-

According to a Metro source, Bane and his cronies will hijack a plane to assassinate a despot dictator.

According to the source:

"Bane and his mercenaries hijack a military plane transporting a dictator of a country which is in unrest (think Saddam Hussein type figure).

'He successfully kills the leader, but makes some mistakes along the way and is unable to safely land the plane.

'Because of the resulting injuries from the accident, he has to undergo complicated surgeries and that is how he winds up with that scar down his neck and the need for the mask to numb the pain.'

The source goes on to describe Bane's origin story as reimagined by Nolan.

"'He is raised by Ra’s al Ghul [Bruce Wayne's old mentor] and his up bringing mirrors that of Bruce Wayne.

'It’s a mirror of Bruce, except it’s darker and twisted. Bane is trained to be an assassin for the League of Shadows.

'He kills political figures that are deemed unfit by the LOS. So he is a bit of a Che Guevara/ Jason Bourne type character.'

Read the rest here-


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