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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Horror Game News: Cthulhu vs. The Vikings - The Game and the Comic Kickstarter Is Live! plz RT

From Cthulhu vs. The Vikings - The Game and the Comic! by Kristan Wheaton — Kickstarter:

Cthulhu vs. The Vikings? Hell, yes! An ancient Viking game updated with an incredible story in comic form!

We have taken the ancient Viking game, Hnefatafl (or "King's Table"), and re-imagined it as a clash between Viking warriors and the minions of Cthulhu, the Deep Ones.

To tell the tale, we have written and illustrated a 32 page, full color comic and, to let you finish that story, we have created an all new game board and playing pieces so that you can play out the final battle.

But to get the comic printed and the game into your hands, we need your help!

Hnefatafl is, perhaps, the best known of the Tafl games played by the Vikings. It is a deep, strategic game with a fundamentally asymmetric design - players start out in different positions on the board, with different numbers of pieces, and with entirely different victory conditions. In many respects, it is unique among the games of antiquity.

Copies of this extraordinary game are difficult to find, however. Our goal is to create an exciting version of this ancient game, updated to appeal to the modern player.

Our version of the game begins with a small band of Vikings surrounded on all four sides by slavering Deep Ones. The goal of the Vikings is to escape and the goal of the Deep Ones is to capture the Viking leader. You can find out more about the sculptor, Chris Adelhardt, who is behind these remarkable pieces at the bottom of the page.

We have also gained permission to use the "Fetlar Rules", so-called because of their use in the Hnefatafl World Championships held each year in the town of Fetlar, Scotland.

While we thought the game was a pretty cool idea all by itself, we quickly realized that the battle needed a "backstory" -- why exactly, are the Vikings and the Deep Ones fighting?

Once we began looking into Viking history and art it did not take long before we started seeing "evidence" of conflict between the Lord of R'lyeh and the rulers of Asgard - tentacle-y faces in runestones and icons, tentacle-armed monsters fighting shirtless berserkers - all over Viking art.

Furthermore, the Viking sagas were full of battles against sea monsters and other fantastic creatures (such as the snippet taken from the Icelandic saga, The Life and Death of Cormac the Skald, that comes at the beginning of our video above).

These stories and this art forms the backdrop we used to write and illustrate the 32 page, full color comic book - Cthulhu vs. The Vikings, issue #1 - that was designed to accompany the game. You can see some samples of the art from the comic below and read more about the artist, Kris Brannock, and the writer, Sean McGrath, at the bottom of the page.

Cthulhu vs. the Vikings has a wide range of awards for every level of interest. If you are a comics guy and want to collect, you can do that. If you are a gamer and really just want the game, you can do that. If you want to do both with lots of add-ons and goodies, we've got that, too.

And if you want it all -- and I mean all (including boatloads of good karma) -- you can really make our and your dreams come true (just check out the $5000 level!).

$1 -- Access to Backers-only Update + Our Thanks!

Every little bit helps and we know that when you pledge a dollar all your friends on Kickstarter get to hear about it as well. We appreciate that and your support!

Find out more here-

Cthulhu vs. The Vikings - The Game and the Comic! by Kristan Wheaton — Kickstarter:

Cthulhu vs. The Vikings - The Game and the Comic! by Kristan Wheaton — Kickstarter:

'via Blog this'

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