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Friday, July 19, 2013

RPG Podcast: Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff Episode 48: Except for All the Cannibalism

From kenandrobintalkaboutstuff.com-

"Events in Egypt have us taking shelter in the Gaming Hut to suggest approaches to uprisings and revolutions in roleplaying narrative.
Then Robin beckons you to the Cinema Hut for a quick intro to Chinese film, as seen through three rarities recently screened at the TIFF Lightbox: the suppressed censorship satire Unfinished Comedy, showbiz melodrama on the cusp of the Cultural Revolution Two Stage Sisters and the proto-heroic bloodshed of The Story of a Discharged Prisoner.
Game design bubbles creative and economic get the Ask Ken and Robin treatment, thanks to a query from Ironicus.
Then the Consulting Occultist completes his obligations as a guide to the Nazi occult with a look at the scholarship-distorting, expedition launching academic department of the SS, the Ahnenerbe."

Check it out-

Episode 48: Except for All the Cannibalism « Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff:

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