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Monday, July 8, 2013

RPG News: Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: Episode 46: An Indictment of Your Pudding

From kenandrobintalkaboutstuff.com-

We shuttle over to the Gaming Hut to continue our discussion of omnipresent surveillance, this time in the context of your roleplaying group’s tendency to turtle up.
The unveiling of the Word Hut sees us finding our preferences between US and UK words and punctuation. Petrol, anyone?
In Ask Ken and Robin, we respond to Daniel Fidelman’s question on how to pace the unsheathing of knives when player betrayal is on the agenda.
Then we head over to chat with the Consulting Occultist, as part four of our series on Nazi occultism leads us to metaphorically heft the Spear of Destiny.

Check it out-

Episode 46: An Indictment of Your Pudding « Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff:

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