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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Horror Etc Podcast: Episode 307 – Feedback and more

From horroretc.com-

Welcome to another exciting feedback episode! Thanks to our listeners who choose to participate in the conversation we have a wide variety of discussion topics to banter about in addition to our usual nonsense.

We kick things off with a brief recap of some recent watches including Mud, 247 Degrees, Piranha 3DD and The Wire (catching up to the hugely hyped HBO legacy show). With the formalities out of the way, we get to hearing and chatting about many subjects including public domain horror, disaster movies, brothers Grimm, amateur filmmaking with RC copters, the proper pronunciation of Jeffrey Combs, the limited resolutions of haunted house films, and much more. There are loads of mini- reviews as well such as Byzantium, Hell, Ganja & Hess, 5150 Elmsway and many more.

Finally, we announce this year’s campaign for book club submissions. This has become an annual tradition and stands as one of our favourite shows to do. We are calling out to the horroretc community for reviews and recommendations – let’s make Book Club 6 our best one yet.

Thanks to all for joining in the discussion and sharing your thoughts and comments, keep those calls coming.

- See more at: http://www.horroretc.com/2013/07/07/episode-307-feedback-and-more/#sthash.XFMyqOyL.dpuf

Check it out-

Episode 307 – Feedback and more | Horror Etc:

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