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Thursday, June 13, 2013

MMORPG News: Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter: End of Neverwinter Open Beta Events!

From Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter Free-to-Play MMO. Sign up for access! | End of Neverwinter Open Beta Events!:

Did you miss our previous live date announcement? Neverwinter will be live on June 20, 2013 – that’s only a week away! And to celebrate, we're running an End of Open Beta Event and every adventurer in the Forgotten Realms is invited! Join us starting on June 14, 2013, for three phases of events. More details are listed below including how you can earn a new and unique enchantments or companion only available during this Event!

Phase 1 – 2x Enchantments, 2x Runestones
Begins: June 14, 2013 at 12pm PDT (When is that in your time zone?)
Ends: June 17, 2013 at 12am PDT (When is that in your time zone?)
Details: Questing, gathering nodes in the fields of Neverwinter, and looting treasure chests have never been more rewarding. Every time an enchantment or runestone is awarded while playing, you’ll receive double the rewards. If you’ve dreamed of having T10 Enchantments or Runestones, there’s never been a better time to get in game!

Phase 2 – The Invasion
Begins: June 17, 2013 at 12am PDT (When is that in your time zone?)
Ends: June 20, 2013 at 9am PDT (When is that in your time zone?)
Details: Protector’s Enclave will be under attack! How can you help protect the city of Neverwinter? During the End of Open Beta Event, there are 5 locations around Protector’s Enclave that will be vulnerable to attack. Look for a message indicating where the portal appeared and help fend off groups of enemies threatening the city. Also, there will be smaller groups patrolling the city, from the portals to the market area, looking to terrorizing the denizens of Neverwinter – they need your help! When the Invasion event is running, you will receive an open mission for killing enemies while in Protector's Enclave. Portals will spawn at the top and bottom of the hour and stay open for 5 minutes then close.

Phase 3 – The Finale
Begins: June 19, 2013 at 12am PDT (When is that in your time zone?)
Ends: June 20, 2013 at 9am PDT (When is that in your time zone?)
Details: The invasion is not over by any means, adventurers. Even more dangerous and deadly creatures await their opportunity to destroy the city of Neverwinter. During the final phase of the Invasion, the Finale, terrifying Unhallowed Wights will make their presence known throughout the Forgotten Realms by coming through the portals and patrolling the city! These waves will be spaced 5 minutes apart.

However, if you successfully help keep Neverwinter safe during Phase 2 and Phase 3, you may be rewarded with some amazing items which are unique to this event! Throughout the event at the end of each portal wave, you will receive a bag of bones if you helped kill anything during the portal invasion. Collected bones can be taken to Makos' Apprentice in Protector's Enclave, by the market plaza, and exchanged for rewards. During the event, a Scroll of Deathly Aura may drop providing a minor buff to your character while granting a fire aura. Also, new unique enchantments may drop during this event which will provides 2 stat bonuses instead of 1. And, a new unique companion may drop during the last two phases. Which will it be? Join us during the End of Open Beta Event starting on June 14, 2013 to find out.

We’ll see you in Neverwinter! Share your excitement on the official Neverwinter forums.

Click here to register for Neverwinter, the free-to-play Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Prepare by becoming a Hero of the North today with a Founder's Pack purchase!

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