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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Gill & Roscoe’s Bodacious Horror Podcast: Episode 039: I've Seen (Found) Footage Too | Horrorphilia

From horrorphilia.com-

"In the second Bodacious Horror episode focusing on the “found footage” genre, Gill & Roscoe temporarily ditch Skype, and return to their roots to record in the luxurious surroundings of Rockatansky Towers. They talk about the Toxic Avenger, Chris O’Dowd and Sleepwalking Cannibals, before getting down to the nitty gritty. And by God it’s gritty this week folks. Starting off light with “Rec 2″ (2009) and “The Last Exorcism” (2010), things take a turn for the worst when we get into “Cannibal Holocaust” (1980) and “The Poughkeepsie Tapes” (2007), a section in which Roscoe does his best Mary Whitehouse and Billy Graham impressions while Gill comes across like the Marquis de Sade crossed with Anton LaVey. Either way, neither are particularly sure whether to ban this filth or give it an Oscar."

Check it out-

Gill & Roscoe’s Bodacious Horror Podcast: Episode 039: I've Seen (Found) Footage Too | Horrorphilia:

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