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Sunday, June 16, 2013

100 YEARS OF HORROR EPISODE 041: VALKOINEN PEURA (1952) | Horrorphilia

From horrorphilia.com-

"The hiatus is kept at bay with the Phantom Erik and Lester Reaper returning to their home in the boiler room for another riveting episode of the 100 Years of Horror! This week, we’re back to jet-setting as we cross over to Finland for this atmospheric 1952 horror, ‘Valkoinen Peura’, known as ‘The White Reindeer’ to English speaking audiences. When a young woman named Pirita, born a witch, tries to take on a spell to force her husband to love her, the effects aren’t quite what she expected. Transforming into a shapeshifting vampire, she now has to contend with her tight-knit community of arctic reindeer herders. It may be summer around the boiler room, but things are about to descend to subzero temperatures; as such, the Phantom and Lester will also be taking in the landscapes of horror and how they can also play a major role in film.

Any feedback, suggestions or comments can be sent to 100yearsofhorror@gmail.comor on Facebook. Also be sure to follow The Phantom Erik on Twitter @ThePhantomErik to discuss the films on the podcast!"

Check it out-

100 YEARS OF HORROR EPISODE 041: VALKOINEN PEURA (1952) | Horrorphilia:

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