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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Zombie Game News: War Z bans more players at random to sell more copies of the game plz RT

Well the greed of Hammerpoint the makers of War Z are at it again. Banning approximately 7000 accounts, seemingly at random. What happened the last time they did this? Banned players just bought new copies. Nice cash grab Hammerpoint. With lawsuits pending from both the makers of World War Z, The Walking Dead, and a class action lawsuit from ripped off fans, this is a ballsy move.

From War Z Forums-

"Hello everyone,

We've recently discovered a bug on the backend that was triggering an event that would be considered hacking. It appears that many of today's bans may have occurred due to this bug and we will be investigating further to ensure that this does not occur again. Review of this bug has seen approximately 7000 accounts (about 1.5 % of our active userbase) affected. We will be investigating into this further to ensure that this does not happen again. In light of this, we will be overturning the bans that were distributed today. All accounts that were impacted will have already received 500 GC due to the inconvenience. We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding as we work to improve this system.

If anyone whose account was banned today does not have the ban lifted within the next few days, please send us a ticket at support@warz.zendesk.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you again."

Learn more here-

March 11, 2013 Banning Update:

'via Blog this'

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