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Friday, March 15, 2013

Horror Etc Podcast: Episode 290 – The Shining

From horroretc.com-

"Welcome to the Overlook Hotel, we hope you enjoy your stay. This week we take an in-depth look at all things The Shining from the original novel to Kubrick’s classic (and confounding) adaptation to the 1997 television miniseries to Room 237 and the plethora of theories and analysis that have been applied to the 1980 film. What began as a look back at a particular film that we have been remiss in addressing evolved into one of the best discussions we have had in quite some time (including our own opinions of the fake moon landing film footage conspiracy).

Focusing on Stanley Kubrick and the seminal horror masterpiece The Shining, we considered the themes of the story and what Kubrick’s intentions may have been in the divergences taken in his translation. At its core, the story examines the central theme of the breakdown of a family but the question remains of the extent to which supernatural forces play a hand. One of the most obsessive directors cinema has known, its fair to assume that every element on screen is specific with artistic intent – the question remains as to what those meanings and messages really are. We hope you enjoy taking a ride with us through the twisting (albeit symmetrical) hallways of isolated nightmare.

We offer up some thoughts on a couple of big screen CGI mega-movies, Raimi’s Oz and Singer’s Jack the Giant Slayer. As well, we discuss a very intimate documentary Collapse (2009) which carries on the theme of conspiracy theories, discussing peak oil and the cataclysm that lies ahead. We invite you all to share your own creative endeavours with us as we wish to share the projects that have come from the collective efforts of the Horroretc community."

Check it out-

Episode 290 – The Shining | Horror Etc:

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