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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Zombie Game News: Left 4 Dead 2 Mod: L4D2 Music Cinepack Part 1

From steamcommunity.com-

"This mod changes some of the in game music to the tracks listed below:
Death is a Carousel: John Harrison - Day of the Dead Theme
Died on the Bayou: Paul McCollough - Night of the Living Dead(1990) Theme
O Sweet Death: Francis Haines - The Trioxin Theme
Dead Easy: Fabio Frizzi - Voci Dal Nulla (Slow version)
Tank!: Fabio Frizzi - Zombi 2 Theme
Taank!: Fabio Frizzi - Zombi 2 Theme (Demo Version)
Witch: Goblin - Suspiria
Skin On Our Teeth: Fabio Frizzi - Voci Dal Nulla
Pray for Death: Fabio Frizzi - Verso L'ignoto
The Monsters Within: Fabio Frizzi - Voci Dal Nulla (Opening Titles Version)
The Monsters Without: Herbert Chappell - The Gonk
Left For Death: Gene Kauer - Unkown (Funeral Piece for Organ from Faces of Death)"

Check it out-

Steam Workshop :: L4D2 Music Cinepack PART ONE:

'via Blog this'


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