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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Evil Episodes Podcast: Episode #33 Abominable Snowman | Horrorphilia

From horrorphilia.com-

"Welcome to episode #33 of Evil Episodes!

We start off the show with a huge bang, welcoming in a brand new co-host, Patrick, to the show! Everyone say Hello…..Patrick is basically an encylopedia of horror knowledge, especially when it comes to the TV-side. His expertise was put on display early in often in this, his first episode. Things gets started with thoughts on the first couple of episodes of The Following, as well as what our hopes our for the show and where we hope it doesn’t turn into down the road.

We then transition into the news, which includes some video game news, TV show news, and more of the usual stuff. The main review this week is SYFY’s Abominable Snowman. SYFY has set the standard for movies we watch (so you don’t have to). Will it be any different this time around? The show finishes out with the final 3 episodes of Season 1 of Tales from the Darkside. Yes, we finally made it to the end of season 1. Hooray! Hope you enjoy episode #33 and you can expect another HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT for episode #34 in a couple of weeks!"

Check it out-

Evil Episodes Podcast: Episode #33 Abominable Snowman | Horrorphilia:

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