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Sunday, February 10, 2013

100 Years Of Horror Podcast: The Crime of Dr. Crespi

From horrorphilia.com-

"The height of the Golden Age of Horror brings us this understated 1935 classic, The Crime of Dr. Crespi, starring former silent director Erich Von Stroheim and (at the time) current horror icon, Dwight Frye. The story melds the classic fears of being buried alive with the more modern horror tropes of the mad scientist concocting a faux-lethal potion in order to make his subjects appear dead. Coming to you straight from the boiler room, the Phantom Erik and Lester Reaper broadcast this newest installment to the 100 Years of Horror whilst buried beneath snow and an unbearable cold spell. Fortunately they’ve thought ahead and fitted their tomb with a S.O.S. So if you can hear the bell, you’ll know they’re not yet in hell…"

Check it out-

100 YEARS OF HORROR EPISODE 023: THE CRIME OF DR. CRESPI (1935) | Horrorphilia:

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