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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Zombie News: Left 4 Dead 2 Mod: Steam Workshop: Endless Bridge Beta plz RT

From steamcommunity.com-

"Beta version information
This is the Steam Workshop endless bridge version.
a very early beta which focuses on the first map of the campaign. (yes , this is a 1-map campaign.)

A crescent shaped island , with 2 mountains at each point. Legend says one mountain was ruled by a god of heavens and the other mountain ruled by a god of evil. Between those 2 mountains , there was a bridge that connected those 2 mountains. Ofcourse , that bridge was the most famous war path on the whole island.
Legend says the 2 gods fought each other on the bridge in a truly remarkable battle , they both gave their lifes for victory over the island. The force of their battle was so powerfull , that it shaked the dimensions in the area.

January 2013 , this bridge still exists as a famous tourist spot. Each dawn and each evening came an unexplainable white mist around the 2 ends of the bridges. They said you sometimes could hear voices those times , voices about people fighting each other.

The survivors were on the South mountain of the island. they heard about boats in the northern mountain. They decided to go there and take a boat to get off the island , by going over the bridge. However , they did not know anything about the bridge's history. They were driving in an ambulance over the bridge near the evening , when the mist suddenly appeared. They decided to drive forward despite they cannot see where they are driving. They end up being blocked by a massive road of cars. The place they just entered is named "Area 0".

Map information
Each map has the same basic bridge , but it will always be differently each map.
Each map will also have a different car placement , more objects (for example , a rocky environment will have rocks as objects, etc...)
However , each map will have the same truck at the end.

Bug list
please note that this is early beta... some bugs can occur
Map transitioning replcament:
•if someone dies , they respawn at the end of the map when the game loads a new map
•if a new map loads , you see the loading poster (idk why, but its not anything that breaks the gameplay)
Map1 bugs:
•Navigation is so-so , but should be fine.
•Bots sometimes have a little trouble getting into the safe vehicle
•Says ambulance instead of truck at the saferoom
•Floating oil truck
adding more if i find them...

Addon Information
This beta version will only be on steam workshop.
Further beta versions will be released on l4dmaps.com
Every map i will create a different environment and car placement with maybe more objects. it should get less boring and this should advance my level environment design skills at least a bit."

Check it out-

Steam Workshop :: Endless Bridge Beta:

'via Blog this'


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