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Saturday, December 1, 2012

RPG News: Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: Episode 17: A Gorgeous Work of Rosicrucian Monomania

From kenandrobintalkaboutstuff.com-

"In Ask Ken and Robin, we examine the popularity, or lack thereof, of the western as a roleplaying genre, and point to models historical and cinematic for the adventuring party in spurs and Stetsons.
We venture into a particularly cramped and cluttered iteration of the Cartography Hut to spin a passel of story threads from the real-life tale of the Mount Washington map hoard.
With zombie-like tread we shamble down the aisles of the Cinema Hut to chew over the career of director George A. Romero.
Then Time Incorporated once more dispatches Ken’s Time Machine, this time to prevent the murder of Salvador Allende and the ensuing ascension to power of Augusto Pinochet."

Check it out-

Episode 17: A Gorgeous Work of Rosicrucian Monomania « Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff:

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