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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Horror News: Zombies DON’T Podcast 42: Mothers Day, Karate-Robo Zaborgar, Famine, The Tall Man

From horrorphilia.com-

Chuck rides solo (sorry) but he gives us an update on the big six announcement from Scream Factory! He also gets into reviewing FOUR movies as he covers the original Mothers Day, Karate-Robo Zaborgar, Famine, and The Tall Man! Also we have one e-mail that has nothing at all to do with film and Chuck sounds like he’s drunk when he really isn’t..GOOOO JOOOOOE!!

Check it out-

Zombies DON’T Podcast 42: Mothers Day, Karate-Robo Zaborgar, Famine, The Tall Man | Horrorphilia:

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