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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Horror News: Devour The Podcast 40: Drácula

From horrorphilia.com-

Here it is ladies and gentleman, Episode 40 of Devour the Podcast!

This week, Bo makes it for his 10th episode due to travel plans suddenly changing and David manages to get through the entire episode despite being sick and more or less losing his voice through out.

Walking Dead discussion (Contains spoilers)
American Horror Story: Asylum discussion (Contains spoilers for parts 1 and 2 of I am Anne Frank)
Random discussion of Sasquatch and their polite Canadian brethren……No seriously


-American Horror Story will have a 3rd season
-Godzilla begins shooting in March of 2013
-Nicholas Brendon and Amber Chaney join The Morningside Monster
-Even more viral marketing for Carrie
-Barbara Crampton and Nick Principe join the cast of Die, Maniacs, Die

It Came From the Instant Queue:
Bo: 3.5/5
David: 3.5/5
Jamie: 3.5/5

Our Feature Presentation
Drácula (Spanish Dracula)
Bo: Skip it
David: Conditional Buy
Jamie: Rent

Check it out-

Devour The Podcast 40: Drácula | Horrorphilia:

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