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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Zombie News: Read the First Three Chapters of The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury Here!

From dreadcentral.com-

"The only place to find the dreaded Governor's back story is in The Walking Dead: Rise of The Governor and The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury, and we have the first three chapters of the latter right here.

In addition, we have a kick-ass contest to tell you about where one lucky grand prize winner will receive the Zombie Library, consisting of both Walking Dead books along with The Brain Eater’s Bible by J.D. Ghoul with Pat Kilbane, a field manual and manifesto for the reanimated dead, and 21st Century Dead, a zombie anthology edited by Christopher Golden. Runners-up will receive a hardcover copy of The Walking Dead: The Road To Woodbury, a The Walking Dead: Rise of The Governor iPhone decal, or a special early galley copy of The Walking Dead: Rise of The Governor with exclusive comics art on the front."

Full details here-

Read the First Three Chapters of The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury Here; Enter to Win a Zombie Library Prize Pack | Horror Movie, DVD, & Book Reviews, News, Interviews at Dread Central:

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