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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Horror Movie News: HorrorTalk TV - Episode 03

From horrorphilia.com-

"Welcome back to our web-based TV show featuring the latest news, trailers and interviews from the horror genre. We have another feature-packed show for you this month and, because we haven’t done one for a while, this is a double-length episode. Read on for details.

In this episode:

Ilan Sheady chats to Ben Browder about Bad Kids Go to Hell, Christopher Judge about The Dark Knight Rises, author Miriam Cooke about her book Drusilla Blood and director Patrick Holden about his film When the Lights Went Out.
Patrick A. Prejusa introduces a preview of his movie REDD.
Fun and games at the London Film and Comic Con
The Horrolympics, where Ilan and Sharon award medals to some 2012 horror films.
Sharon Davies heads to Grimm Up North and catches up with Ollie Milburn on how his Harsh Light of Day movie is being received.
Trailers for Jaws, Zombie 108 and Resident Evil: Extinction.
Plus a competition to win some incredible Monster Brawl prizes.
If you have any feedback, or you have a project you’d like featured, then please email us at HorrorTalkTV@horrortalk.com. We have staff in the USA and the UK, so we can cover a wide range of areas."

HorrorTalk TV - Episode 03 | Horrorphilia:

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