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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cthulhu Mythos News: Atomic-Age Cthulhu 1950's Call of Cthulhu Adventures coming 2012 from Chaosium

Cthulhu in the 50's. Awesome.

From Chaosium.com
Atomic-Age Cthulhu

1950's Call of Cthulhu Adventures coming 2012.

ISBN 1-56882-366-5
Promotional Artwork by Paul Carrick
Edited by Brain Sammons

It’s the 1950s in America and life is good. The most destructive war in human history is over and the good ol’ U S of A is starting to flex her muscles as a global superpower. The GIs have all come home to new cars, houses in the suburbs, and the high-tech wonders of jets, television, and rockets blasting into space. The future is very bright indeed. At least, that’s how it looks on the surface.

Peel away the thin, sunny veneer of everything is A-OK and you find the rot of fear and paranoia. The nuclear genie has been let out of the bottle, and for the first time ever, mankind has the ability to actually murder the entire world. The creeping Red Menace is everywhere. They’ve cut Europe in half, taken over China, invaded some unknown country called Korea, and even conquered outer space with their Sputnik. Worst yet, the godless Commies are already here! Don’t trust your movie stars, authors, news reporters, or even your neighbors. They could all be one of them. Then there is the slow, steady corruption of the youth through promiscuous, unwholesome rock n’ roll and shocking comic books full of gruesomeness like Tales From the Crypt. Never before has our way of life had so many threats to it.

It’s the 1950s in America, and everything looks rosy and perfect on the outside, but beneath the skin fear is rampant. In short, it’s the perfect setting for some Call of Cthulhu action.

In Atomic Age Cthulhu you will find info on how to run games of cosmic horror in the Leave it to Beaver world of the 50s. Background information, new professions, new skills, and adventure ideas tailor made for the 1950s can be found here, along with seven scenarios designed to get you rocking n’ rolling in no time.

This Village was Made for Us – in a closed community devoted to exploring the new found wonders of the atomic age, alien horrors conduct their own experiments and our wellbeing does not factor into their calculations.

T.V. Casualty – Television: newfangled technological wonder, or dreaded idiot box looking to enslave us all? Could the answer to both questions be yes?

The Return of Old Reliable – The space race, still in its infancy, gives birth to a world-threatening horror no one could have seen coming.

Forgotten Wars – The Korean “conflict”, never formally classified as a war, and yet technically still underway today, pales in comparison to the aeons long battle between two ancient enemies, and a US Army tank crew gets caught in the middle.

High Octane – slick hotrods, dirty and dangerous bikers, a commie plot, and a once slumbering menace starting to stir, will the investigators be able to keep the lid on this pressure cooker or are things going to blow as the fear continues to mount?

L.A. Diabolical – It’s Tinsel Town and the rich and famous want to dabble with the chic side of darkness for kicks, but when something from the darkness starts playing with them, the fun quickly ends.

Destroying Paradise, Hawaiian Style – blue skies, loud shirts, surfing and a king of rock n’ roll making a movie, what could possible go wrong? Well when the horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos combine with the horror of nuclear weapons, the answer is a lot.

Read on here- http://www.chaosium.com/article.php?story_id=516

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