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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Occupy Arkham Protest Ends In Tragedy For Miskatonic University Students. plz read and RT

Tragedy struck the sleepy town of Arkham Massachusetts today leaving dozens of Miskatonic University Students in St Mary's Hospital and more missing.

The protest had started over the building of the new Marsh Gold Refinery which is to be built on the corner of Pickman Street and Parsonage Street where the historic "witch house" now stands.

The protest had been going peacefully until yesterday when guards from nearby Innsmouth Security were bussed in to break up the protesters.

Stay tuned for more details.

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1 comment:

  1. No!!!! Save the Witch House!!!! That's it; I'm opening a gate to eat the developers! IA! IA! Yog-Sothoth fhtagn!
