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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cthulhu Mythos News: Red Wasp Design Releases Cthulhu Christmas Calendar Lite

From http://redwaspdesign.wordpress.com-

Following on from the popular full version of Cthulhu Christmas Calendar, Red Wasp Design have now released a Lite version of the app to allow fans and cultists to dip their tentacled toes into a Mythos countdown. The app allows users to see the art and enjoy the quiz entries from the 1st till the 9th of December for free. To see the art from the 10th December onwards, users can purchase the full version to continue the countdown till when the stars are right for Cthulhumas.

Both the Lite and full versions of ‘Cthulhu Christmas Calendar‘, feature original pieces of artwork for every day in December leading up to Christmas. Each image presents a fun mashup of festive icons like Santa into the Cyclopean world of the great Cthulhu, the malevolent Mi-Go and the dark god Nyarlathotep.

The Lite app is available now from the App Store for iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone. It is also available from the Android Marketplace for Android devices. There is more information on the Cthulhu Christmas Calendar page and you can chat about it with fellow cultists on its own Facebook page.


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