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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cthulhu Mythos News: Kyle Reviews "Tour de Lovecraft: The Tales" From Atomic Overmind Press by Kenneth Hite

"Tour de Lovecraft: The Tales" From Atomic Overmind Press by Kenneth Hite

I was first introduced to writer and role-playing game designer Kenneth Hite thanks to the excellent HP Lovecraft Literary Podcast. Gamers out there are probably familiar with Hite from his work on GURPS and the superb Trail Of Cthulhu RPG.

Tour de Lovecraft: The Tales is a collection of Hite's thoughts on each and every tale by weird fiction author and father of the Cthulhu Mythos HP Lovecraft. And it is damn good! Fans of Lovecraft will find, well, a lot to love here. Hite offers wit and true insight on many of our favorite weird tales. For the "noob", Tour de Lovecraft is a perfect guide for the literary fan looking to explore Lovecraft's often obtuse work.

A must buy!

Pick it up here-


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