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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Huge Cthutube News: Countdown To Beneath The Carnegie & Erie, PA

At midnight October 30th 2011 Beneath The Carnegie & Erie, PA will be unleashed on the world.

Beneath The Carnegie is a tale of the Cthulhu Mythos that may or may not be true taking place in the very real Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh.

The same day the first of what we hope to be many supplements for the new "Erie, PA" campaign setting will also be released on the RPG world. Erie, PA is a RPG setting taking place in the haunted hills of Pennsylvania. Perfect for any horror campaign and spanning nearly two hundred years of the states history.

In preparation for this event Cthutube will be posting sneak peeks of the Erie, PA setting every day until release.

Stay tuned for looks at NPCs, monsters, PCs, and other goodies.

And we are still looking for artists, writers, and playtesters so drop me a line at kesinpa@gmail.com for info!


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